It is a highly bio stable Semi Synthetic Copper Wire Drawing Oil which gives long sump life. It is suitable for drawing Intermediate wire (at 4 to 8 % concentration in DM/RO Water) & Fine wire (at 2 to 4 % concentration in DM/RO Water).
It is a highly bio stable Semi Synthetic Copper Wire Drawing Oil which gives long sump life. It is suitable for drawing RBD Wire (at 8 to 10 % concentration in DM/RO Water).
It is an economical mineral base Copper Wire Drawing Oil which gives good lubricity during drawing. It is suitable for drawing RBD Wire (at 6 to 8 % concentration in DM/RO Water).
It is an Anti-Tarnish Chemical used in offline/online Annealer to be used at 1 % concentration in DM Water).
It is lubricant specially designed for enameled wires based on special type of paraffinic wax dissolved in solvents for better windability due to presence of lubricant on wire surface.
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